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 Are wireless networks a necessary evil in our society? (69)

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shabysheik(15) pic

Are wireless networks a necessary evil in our society?

Wireless networks provide great connectivity, but they also bring about many problems - some of which you have read about already. Comment on what you think are the important issues related to Wireless networks. 
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1 point

I'm going out right now to buy a smart patch. Are you going to join me?

Supporting Evidence: Smart Patch - An Awesome Device (
2 points

I am also going out to buy a smart patch. I think smart patch is a very good tool for us to be less affected from EMFs. I seriously think that EMFs can affect our health severely and the smart patch can save us from all the EMFs nowadays. I always have my phone with me, so I think it will be very useful for me. However, I think I should consider other products because the smart patch only protects us from the EMFs from our cell phones.

1 point

I am also gonna buy if for sure. I think smart patch is a really good because EMF is really harmful to our health and smart patch can prevent EMF affecting us. Since nowadays we use smartphones or other electronic devices way to much, smart patch will be a perfect device for us to live longer.

davy(2) Disputed
2 points

Even though I choose dispute, it doesn't mean I'm totally going against the argument. It's no secret that the demand for electricity has increased, and we have been using more and more devices, compared to the 20th century. The idea of a "smart patch" looks like a hope for us to avoid issues caused by exposure to EMF, but how do we know that every device will harm us? There are various health concerns however to what extent will we be affected? Is it 3 devices, 4 devices, or 10, 20? We have no clue.

So I believe that we shouldn't be relying on this one particular product. Think about the times where actually we don't need to look at a phone but we did. Won't the smart patch increase the rate of using a device?

1 point

Good Argument Davy - studies suggest that people who wear seat belts in cars drive more recklessly than people who don't wear the belts - they feel safer so push the boundaries...

1 point

I think we shouldn't only use the smart patch because it doesn't protect our completely. You should check out the other products in SafeProtect because the other products may be more useful as the smart patch only protects you from EMFs in your phone. I agree that we shouldn't rely on only one product, so we should invest in the development of other products in the future to create a safer environment for us to live in. I think the government should invest and provide these protecting measures in the public as this concerns the health of all the people in the world.

1 point

I will join Mr.Shabysheik to buy a smart patch. Smart patch attaches directly to your cell phone or other EMF. I can carry it with me wherever I go and protects me against the health hazards of electromagnetic radiation. This smart patch has 6 feet protective field, and radiates a transformative filed into the appliance's wiring.

Strong artificial EMFs can enter my body and interfere my body. It will affect my sleep cycles, stress levels, and also may decrease my immune system. Therefore, I need to purchase the smart patch.

shabysheik(15) Disputed
1 point

Where did this information come from Alice - was it a trusted source??

1 point

YESSS I'm definitely going with you. I heard that it helps to neutralize radiation from wireless technologies, and wireless technologies are everywhere and I can carry smart patch everywhere! A smart patch will save my life:) WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!

shabysheik(15) Disputed
1 point

Can you trust the source Nina? Does this sound like a real thing... "The Smart Patch converts the interfering radiation, immediately sending a coherent life-enhancing field through the device." What is a coherent life enhancing field?

BlueJohnny(10) Disputed
1 point

A smart patch will not save your life! It only protects you from EMFs emitted from your phone. There are other people around you who uses their phones and other electronic devices, you won't be protected from the EMFs emitted by those devices. You will need to consider other products from SafeSpaceProducts.

1 point

I am with you on this one totally. According to its description it does not need to be replaced when attached, and has penetrating affect (so even if you attach it to the case of your phone, the field it produced still protects you).

Although its effects (for example countering the EMF) may sound too magical to a skeptical person like me, I would like to give it a try since there's no harm (in my knowledge at least), and that the quantum biology laboratory approved its effectiveness. Nevertheless 29 dollars is indeed not a cheap price for something like this (100+ rmb!). I would probably buy one just to test it out, after all, I can return the patch if I don't like it.

shabysheik(15) Disputed
1 point

How much money do you have to spend Jerry?? Is Quantum Biological Laboratories even a real place??

BlueJohnny(10) Disputed
1 point

I think it is worth the money to buy something that can protect us form danger. We still have no idea of the long term effects of EMFs because it was only discovered in the last 5 decades, this means that there are still more to be discovered. I think we should be taking serious precautions towards this because it is important for us to prevent danger rather than treating it after we are affected!

1 point

I will join in. Since I need it to protect myself from EMFs, which can be generated by different devices nowadays. Especially for now, most of people have different devices surround them, such as iPads, smartphones, laptops, etc. I need smart patch to help me stay healthy from those devices.

shabysheik(15) Disputed
1 point

Derek...Didi you read the data from the WHO?? Did it change your mind??

dddaniol(3) Disputed
0 points

Certainly not! A grown man should be able to go shopping himself!

BlueJohnny(10) Disputed
1 point

That not the point... We need to protect ourselves from EMFs together!

1 point

Dr Edward Group profits from people's gullibility. He should be jailed.

Supporting Evidence: Edward Group's Web Site - Wooooooooooooo (
dddaniol(3) Disputed
1 point

No he did not. He merely wrote an article on the dangers of cell phone usage

shabysheik(15) Disputed
1 point

His whole business model is supported by 'facts' that he cannot prove in a scientific way. He relies on heresay and the incredulity of people to believe stuff that sounds good, but may not necessarily be accurate. Is he even a doctor????

BlueJohnny(10) Disputed
1 point

I think it is not that serious that he should be jailed. I think he had sufficient data and evidence to support his article. I somehow agree with him because EMFs do actually affect people's health and it is good for the world to receive more hypothesis or more scenarios so that we can prove it right our wrong later on. These should be investigated further and we should have a strong answer soon.

1 point

My Granny is hypersensitive to EMF's - they make her feel depressed. All EMF producing products should be banned. Suicide rates will go down.

1 point

But if all EMF products are banned, our lives will be changed completely. Even Wi-Fi and computers emits EMFs, so we would not be able to communicate as efficient as before, and technology around the world will not advance and not develop over time

1 point

True John, but doesn't my Granny have the right to live pain and illness free??

1 point

EMF producing products must be BANNED! EMFs pass through walls, and most routers are not turned off at night, so you are exposed 24/7. That's not only from yours but also your neighbor’s. All of them emit EMFs. And exposing to EMFs can lead to serious health problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BlueJohnny(10) Disputed
1 point

Just purchase the SafeProtect Products. If all EMF products are banned, our daily lives will be affected hugely! We won't have Wi-Fi, we won't have wechat, we won't have skype, we won't be able to communicate with each other, we won't be able to watch TV, we won't be able to play games, whats the point of life without all these stuff. It is a win win situation if you buy the SafeProtection products, you will be healthy and safe from EMFs and you can use your electronic devices AT THE SAME TIME, how perfect is that!

SirEpicSam(8) Disputed
1 point

Have you thought about the change that it is going to cause if they banned all EMF producing products. This means you can't use your phones, Wifi, and all sorts of essential things we need in life. Think about what you would do without computers, phones, wifi etc. In addition, we have been using these products for such a long period now and there is no sufficient evidence to prove that it harms the human body! Just because it causes biological changes in our body doesn't necessarily mean that it is harmful.

urface(3) Disputed
1 point

The very device you are using to upload this sentence is producing EMF. Does it give you depression? Ok, maybe 1 in a million people is sensitive to EMF, that doesn't mean the rest of the 99,999,999 people have to suffer the loss of no wifi, no computers, no cell phone, no TV, no blogs, no social media for you to post pictures.

In fact, radiowaves, microwaves, infrared waves are all harmful to human bodies to a certain extent, xray and gamma ray can even cause cancer, does that mean all should be banned? No, because the 'goods' they provide weigh SOOOOO much more than the 'bads' they make.

shabysheik(15) Disputed
1 point

What serious health problems Nina?? Name just one that has been proven

dddaniol(3) Disputed
1 point

Unlikely. Depression is caused by low levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. You can't possibly be suggesting the idea that one of the fundamental forces of the universe alters the output of neurotransmitters in the brain!

BlueJohnny(10) Disputed
1 point

Although EMF may not cause depression, it still affects our lives. And there are people on Earth who are allergic to EMFs, therefore we should be protect ourselves with appropriate measures.

seungsu(4) Disputed
1 point

Although EMF is harmful, all of our essential products such as smartphones produces it, so if we ban the products that produces EMF, our life quality will go down. I think it is your responsibillity to protect your granny, and since there is smart patch, you can absouletly protect your granny.

yycderek(2) Disputed
1 point

I agree that EMF is dangerous to people, however, nowadays most of people are surrounded by electric devices that generates EMFs. People have already adapted to the environment with devices, since it gives them a lot of convenience. If those devices have been banned, people may lost those convenience and the society may go backward, since those advanced technology have been banned. By the way, you just use an EMF producing product to send this argument...

1 point

I paid for my hot chocolate. I have the right to stay and use Starbucks wifi and tables for as long as I desire.

Supporting Evidence: Starbucks - my office away from home (
BlueJohnny(10) Disputed
1 point

Well...I mean, you can argue that because it is public space and the resources should be shared. For example, you have paid for a meal in a restaurant, but you won't stay in that restaurant for another 5 hours after your meal, right? I think we should be considerate and share resources appropriately in public. Coffee shops should set time limit on the Wi-Fi access, where a person can only use the Wi-Fi for 2 hours so that everyone can sit down and enjoy a coffee during the day!

1 point

It isn't a public space - it is leased by the restaurant so is private. What would a suitable time limit be? I want to have a hot Chocolate in these shops but am turned off because there are no seats...everyone is using the internet and hogging them.

seungsu(4) Disputed
1 point

well , you are reasonable, but coffee shop and restaurants are totally different concepts. Coffee shops , for example, can earn their money for the whole day. What I mean is that people buy coffees any time, but restaurants can only earn money at specific times ex breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thus, in restaurants staying more than 5 hours is a huge deal because they can only earn money at those times, but for coffee shops they can earn for the whole day so staying 5 hours is not such a big deal ,

1 point

I think it is fine as long as you just take one seat and not take up more space than you need. You have the right to be there because you just purchased an item there but just make sure that your presence doesn't affect others who want to use the public space as well. it is fine as long as you are well aware of what is happening around you and be flexible.

shabysheik(15) Disputed
1 point

It's not a public is a private space rented by the coffee shop to earn money from Lots of customers

AliceP(2) Disputed
1 point

Starbuck is not a long-staying coffee shop. Their mission is "To inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time". Their main service system is delivering coffee, it is not a place to enjoy free WiFi and stay as long as I want.

There are cafes where its main purpose is for people to stay in the cafe for long time and do their work. These cafes have higher prices compared to Starbucks, and they have an environment for people to stay comfortable for a long period.

SirEpicSam(8) Disputed
1 point

Well, a normal person won't go on Starbucks official website and look for their mission and vision right? And Starbucks doesn't say "No coffee shop hobos" right? If it doesn't say so, then they have the right to do so. Don't you think?

urface(3) Disputed
1 point

I disagree. The reason why Starbucks provided its costumers with free wifi access is so that they could have a more enjoyable afternoon tea or morning coffee or some kind of snack with access to the internet. However people are using this advantage to their own benefit. Let me remind the coffee shop campers --- the coffee shop was NOT made for you to work. Ok you may work better with noises in the coffee shop, but that doesn't matter, coffee shops are made for people to drink, or eat, not work. If you really like working with coffee and having noises, download an app with the coffee shop noises, buy some food and bring it with you to your office/home. You do realise that when you camp in the coffee shop, there are people who needs a table to sit and eat. Using the excuse that "I work better in the coffee shop" or "I bought something, I have the right to sit here all day" is simply selfish.

1 point

Well constructed point of view Jerry. I agree that the Coffee Campers should go

davy(2) Disputed
1 point

Wi-fi and tables in Starbucks are set up to improve customer experiences. Yes, of course you have the right to stay because you have purchased the product, it would be Starbucks' fault if they do not provide this service.

Making customers more happy with their experience is the business's aim. On the other hand, making sure other customers can enjoy the same experience is your responsibility. If you have not interfered other people's experience, then great, you can stay as long as you desire, however if you are staying too long and it has made other people don't have a seat, then its your problem.

shabysheik(15) Disputed
1 point

I sort of agree Davy...however I think their aim is to make as much money as possible with as little effort as possible - they need the wifi to compete with their competition. If you stay too long it is not just your problem, but also other potential customers and the shop that wants to make more money

1 point

Mr Byrne is being negligent in showing year 12 students how to hack into password protected networks.

1 point

Google did nothing wrong in collecting data from open networks. It was there for the taking. People are to blame for leaving themselves vulnerable.

Supporting Evidence: Google wardriving controversy (
AliceP(2) Disputed
1 point

It is Google's responsibility to tell the customers that Google Street View will collect your personal data and give a choice to the customers to use Google Street View or not. It has been found out that Google Street View leaks Email and passwords. Email and passwords leakage is a big problem, as some people uses same Email and passwords for other websites, which will lead to serious problem.

"Google's new file-storage service is generating plenty of buzz from privacy advocates", this is a serious issue. People may store important data in the file-storage service, such as passport information, bank information. It is Google's responsibility to build up a security program that will protect from data leakage.

seungsu(4) Disputed
1 point

You are wrong Ms. Park. It is definetly our responsibillity for letting google to acquire our personal info. There are many apps outthere to prevent this from happening or you can even turn off cookies in your web to prevent this. There are also notifications when signingup google that says that they might be using the personal data for their private use, but since most of us dont read it while signing up , most of us don't expect this to occur. It is totally your fault for not reading it. Yes, ofcourse, it can be a google's fault but since there were so many choices for us to prevent this from happening, it is our problem.

1 point

Yes...I agree with you too. I think Google is being irresponsible because leaking email passwords can be huge issues. This involves the confidential information of their users, this is unacceptable. Maybe all the private information about a company is in the email, and the email leakage can cause huge problems to the company and to the market, especially if the company is a Multinational company. This will affect the market and stock of the company and it is not fair for the users of Google. Give us PRIVACY!

SirEpicSam(8) Disputed
1 point

Although Google claim that they did nothing wrong, they stilled did something unethical in my opinion. The general public can't be blamed for leaving themselves vulnerable in open networks because most of them don't even know what an open network is, this means that they have no idea what can happen to their personal information when they use open networks. In my opinion, Google is to blame for this unethical action.

1 point

Good point Sam - most people don't know how to protect themselves in this way - perhaps they could 'Google it'!

1 point

I agree. We use Google because it collects data from everywhere, because we can find anything from it. If one does not wish for something to be found, one should not pull it online.

1 point

A nice philosophy Daniel - If more people thought like that when using Social Media a lot of problems would disappear